Company profile

VDL Industrial Products, your specialist in rotary valves
VDL Industrial Products is an independent company within the VDL Groep, a Dutch family-owned company consisting of approximately 105 companies with approximately 17,000 employees. We are proud of our position within the VDL Groep, because as VDL Industrial Products, we are able to unite the advantages of being an SME with the benefits of access to specialised knowledge in a variety of fields within the VDL Groep. This “Strength through cooperation” offers many advantages for you as a customer.

Rotary valves
For decades, VDL Industrial Products has been providing effective rotary valve solutions for many industries and application areas. In addition to our "classics", we offer various innovations as a result of the targeted market research and continuous developments of our R&D department.
Our MD range and diverse explosion-proof designs are the most notable examples. 3-D drawings, 3-D print models, voltage calculations and simulation software make it possible to quickly respond to market demands.

Although you are most certainly looking for the best functioning valve possible for your specific application, sometimes uncertainty about the characteristics of the product can make it difficult to make the right choice. To help offer you the best support in this decision, our engineers have designed and constructed a test installation for in-house testing of product characteristics.
Based on a sample supplied by you and tested by us, this testing process allows our sales engineers to provide even better advice for you in choosing the correct design and type of valve. In addition, this installation can be used to take measurements for leaking air, the flow characteristics of new designs, and for devices such as injectors.

We produce your valve using state-of-the-art CNC machines and manual and robotic welding processes, striving to carry out all operations within the VDL groep. The final assembly in our company is always customer-specific and customised per order by our assembly specialists. This system gives you a great deal of freedom in choosing options and extras without increasing the delivery times.

We understand that crucial components such as rotating valves need to work reliably within your company. That is why our valves are produced with a maintenance-friendly design, allowing your technical service team to quickly carry out any planned maintenance. Should your VDL valve nevertheless fail due to a fault, we can offer you fast repairs and overhaul services, getting your valve quickly back up and operating again.

VDL Industrial Products offers products within the following product groups:

VDL Industrial Products produces components for installations for the handling and storage of dry powders and granulates. Thanks to many years of experience, VDL Industrial Products is a leader in every industry that deals with bulk handling. Our experienced engineers are happy to think along with you.

VDL Industrial Products is a total supplier of components for extraction installations. Proper extraction starts with the application of the correct components. A modular concept is always the starting point when developing new products. New products can always be combined with existing solutions or systems so that the basis for functionality and integration is always optimal.

When it comes to protecting industrial processes, it's also about the safety of people and organizations. That largely determines the thinking and acting of VDL Industrial Products. Because no system is the same, we almost always deliver customized solutions. We opt for certified, thoroughly tested products. VDL Industrial Products builds and relies exclusively on reputable companies, on partners that are active worldwide and who use their broad knowledge and experience with us for your organization.

VDL Industrial Products is a member of the European Safety Management Group (ESMG) where knowledge and experiences are exchanged with companies and their employees in the process safety and explosion protection sector.

In the area of ​​fire protection process, there are various options depending on the intended purpose. For the effective extinguishing of, for example, a filter fire, there are the extinguishing systems, including CO2 as an extinguishing agent. To prevent the spread of fire via pipework to other rooms, there is the program with fire valves. Are you looking for preventive fire protection, fire prevention, then there are the spark extinguishing systems.

VDL UMID fog systems are suitable for the most challenging applications in adiabatic cooling, fire protection, climate control and disinfection.
The VDL UMID system with high-end patented nozzles can be adapted to any specific application. Typically, the system consists of: controller, pump with water treatment, sensor input and piping.


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Annual report VDL Groep 2023